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Welcome to Year 4

Our enquiry question for this term Spring term 2025 is: What can we learn from what has been left behind?


Please find attached our knowledge organisers and newsletters.


Best wishes, 

Year 4 Team

Welcome to Year 4!


Here you will find information about our curriculum and our termly newsletters to keep you informed of our learning.


Our Enquiry question for the Autumn Term 2024 is:


Does water need us or do we need water?

Our enquiry question for Spring term was:

What can we learn from what has been left behind?

Our Enquiry question for the Autumn Term 2023 was:


Do we need water or does water need us?

Our enquiry question for the Summer term was...

Is it better to create or destroy?

Our Enquiry question for the Spring Term was: 


What can we learn from what has been left behind?

Our Enquiry question for the Autumn term was: 


Do we need water or does water need us?
