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Pinxton Village


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Enjoying our Hook Day.

We have researched climate crisis to write our newspaper report.

We can explain the life cycle of an orangutan in Science.

Welcome to Year 5's gallery. 


Throughout the year we will add photographs, pictures and videos of all the amazing learning we do. 

We know what is needed to have a healthy positive friendship.

We have used wordart to enhance our RE learning.

Welcome back! We are all ready for our enquiry this term ‘Am I too small to make a difference?’

We are ready for our Summer Term enquiry ‘How does art change perspectives and opinions?’

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How does art change perspectives and opinions?

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We had a fantastic trip to Perlethorpe Education Centre where we experienced Anglo-Saxon and Viking life.

Keeping Healthy

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In PSHE, we have learnt about the importance of keeping ourselves healthy through diet, exercise and sleep.

We learnt about the planets orbiting the sun.

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We noticed that some planets take longer to orbit the sun because they are further away.

Performing our Kennings

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More Kennings

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Listen to our Kennings

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Performing our Anglo-Saxon inspired Kennings

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In English, we have developed our own Anglo-Saxon kennings.

As part of our enquiry lessons we have been learning about Anglo-Saxon laws and modern day laws thanks to our local PCSO.

We have been learning how to ride our bikes safely and have achieved the level 2 bikeability award!

We’re ready for our spring enquiry ‘Do invasions always result in change?’

Am I too small to make a difference?

Watch us perform our rainforest poems.

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Watch use perform our poems about rainforest animals.

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We had an amazing time at Yorkshire Wildlife Park as part of our enquiry. We took part in a workshop where experts told us about endangered animals.

Watch our deforestation videos

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Year 5 have been writing Non-chronological reports about Brazil

We have been learning one point perspective in art.

Year 5 had fun making helicopters to learn about air resistance. They flew so well, we didn't think some of them were ever going to come down again!

To hook us into our new enquiry 'How does art change perspectives and opinions?', we created sculptures showing something that represents ourselves.

As part of our enquiry 'Do invasions always result in change?' we visited Perlethorpe Education Centre where we took part in Anglo Saxon and Viking activities.

To start our enquiry - Do invasions always result in change? We took part in an Anglo Saxon and Viking workshop from Dan Tastic Education. We learned lots of interesting facts, handle artefacts and even got to handle a sword!

Our Spring enquiry is here: Do invasions always lead to change? Here's a look at our corridors ready for the enquiry to begin!

Our fantastic learning journey from our Autumn enquiry - Am I too small to make a difference? Some great art work, aspirational writing and lots of geographical knowledge and skills on display!

RE knowledge organisers showing our learning this term.

Our fantastic double page spreads capturing all of our enquiry learning in the autumn term.

We are so proud of our narrative writing based on Katherine Randell’s The Explorer. Have a look at our work below, we are extremely proud of our presentation.

As part of our enquiry - Am I too small to make a difference? We visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park where we took part in an endangered animals workshop and were able to actually see real life items that have been confiscated by CITES. We also got to see some of the most amazing animals. We all had a great time and learned lots. Have a look at our pictures below.

As part of our enquiry learning, in art we explored wash and transparency marks and strokes when painting to create these fabulous rainforest scenes.

As part of World Science Day, Year 5 investigated dissolving, identifying materials that were soluble and insoluble


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As part of our enquiry, Am I too small to make a difference? We made some videos to inform people about on the impact of deforestation.


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In RSHE we have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day and have created some fabulous artwork. Have a look at the photographs below.

In science we have been learning about the different life cycles of animals in the rainforest. So far we have studied the orangutan, the blue morpho butterfly and the scarlet macaw. Have a look at our fantastic work.

Have a look at our first piece of writing in Year 5 - a non-chronological report about Brazil. The presentation is stunning

Year 5 had the most amazing hook day to start their new enquiry - Am I too small to make a difference? Local artist Michelle Reader can in and worked with the children to create figurative recycled sculptures linked to the rainforest. Have a look at the photographs below to see what a fab day we had.

Have a look at our new corridors ready for our new enquiry - Am I too small to make a difference?
