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Pinxton Village


Prepare for the future; Value the now; Achieve everyday

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Welcome to Year 2's gallery. 


Throughout the year we will add photographs, pictures and videos of all the amazing learning we do. 

Reading Breakfast!

A visit to see coastal features - Cleethorpes

A visit from the Fire service!

What things change and what things stay the same?


This spring we are learning about the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London. As historians we will interpret sources and compare and contrast London from 1666 to today! 

Paintings inspired by Ester Mahlangu

Painting our colour wheel

Children in Need

Watch us make an African curry!

Aspiration day! We came as the jobs we want to have when we are older.

Cleethorpes Trip - We learnt about costal features in the field!

Publishing our writing! We wrote leaflets about Pinxton

International Languages Day

Are we defined by our postcode?


Our Geography enquiry is our Autumn term driver. We will be learning lots of new and amazing knowledge such as how to be real life Geographers making our own survey and going to council meetings, to learning all about the continents and oceans!

A visit from Nurse Melanie

Summer Enquiry Hook Day! - How can pattern make an impression?

A visit from the Fire Service!

What things change and what things stay the same? - Hook day!

DT - We made our own Tongebezi curry inspired by our learning of Mugurameno! #Experiential

Anti-bullying week! We created a love heart for our random acts of kindness and shared them in our assembly!

Children in need!

Remembrance - we were lucky enough to have a service from the local vicar.

DT - WOW! We made yummy fruit kebabs using our own instructions! #purposeful

Some of the books we have read so far this year! Watch it grow as the year goes on!

Science - We loved sorting and learning about healthy foods. In our new topic we'll be learning about habitats!

Geography Hook - A walk around Pinxton

Reading Breakfast 06.10.22

Our classroom environments
