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Pinxton Village


Prepare for the future; Value the now; Achieve everyday

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Pinxton Village Academies Governing Body

Pinxton Village Academies (Longwood Infant Academy, John King Infant Academy and Kirkstead Junior Academy) share one local governing body. As Flying High Partnership schools, our governors have delegated powers to govern on local matters, such as approving our overall school curriculum, monitoring attendance and behaviour, safeguarding, recruitment of new staff and agreeing our annual budget. Central governance is carried out by Flying High Partnership's board of trustees for matters that relate to all their schools, e.g., approving certain policies, school improvement plans and monitoring the quality of education. Our governors are valued volunteers who contribute their time, skills and experience to support effective decision making, strong financial management and delivery of our school improvement goals.

 Our Governors

Chairs of GovernorsMr John Worthy
Vice Chair of GovernorsVictoria Walkington
GovernorsMiss Nicole Percival
 Mrs Vicki Wells
 Miss Bethany Dickson (Staff)
Clerk to GovernorsJayne Littlewood (Minute taker)


Statutory Information
