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Our Carnival!

Making fruit kebabs for our carnival!

World Book Day

Pancake Day!

We have been busy in our English learning how to write instructions. To embed our learning from last week we are now writing instructions and lists about pancakes! 

This week we had to write a shopping list so our teachers knew what we needed to make the pancakes. We then made pancakes and tasted them! They were delicious! After that, we had to then write instructions about how to make pancakes as Mrs Ingle had forgotten! 

We have been busy learning about the differences from when we were a baby compared to us in the year 2024 and what we are like now. We then made photo frames for the home corner in our classroom. Whilst doing this we had to think really carefully about the materials we needed to use to join the frame together. 

Spring term learning at John King

Christmas has arrived

John King Autumn Fun!

Longwood Autumn Term fun!

What a wonderful first day at school we had :)

Reception loved making their fruit kebabs today!

Still image for this video
We have been learning about the importance of healthy eating in reception this week, so the children created their own fruit kebab. They used their cutting skills to chop up the fruits and some of the children even tried new fruits! Well done reception :)

We have enjoyed writing our own story of 'Monkey Puzzle' and reading it to each other! :)

A fabulous start to our Summer Term!

How can I leave a legacy?

Little People, Big Dreams!!

The children all worked hard together to create a piece each of our school logo mining wheel! We used a range of mediums which we have been learning about in art, it looks fabulous!!

The children in reception created Mickey Mouse!

Our reading bearheart

We absolutely love our new reading bear! 

He sneaks into one of our bookbags every night with a book to read to him at home. 

Measuring Time 

We have had lots of fun in maths this week measuring time. 

We chose an action we would like to do such as star jumps, hops, claps etc and counted how many times we could do them in 30 seconds. 



John King Spring Term Learning

Longwood Spring Term fun!

Longwood Spring Enquiry Hook

Longwood Children in Need celebrations

Longwood Autumn Term Fun

Longwood Diwali celebrations
