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Welcome to

Pinxton Village


Prepare for the future; Value the now; Achieve everyday

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Visit from a nurse

Thank you so much to our nurse visitor who came to speak to us about how hospitals and the NHS had changed. We discussed the pandemic and even before that, with some great experiential pictures to really make the learning come alive!

Visit from our inspirational Partnership CEO, Chris Wheatley, OBE!

"Can one person really change the world?" Hook Day

Poppy Bunting Sewing afternoon

Visit to Nottingham Castle

We investigated using our senses in Science - tasting lemons, hearing rice and touching cotton wool!

Maths WE 27.09.2024

We had great fun this week using really specific language to compare numbers; 'fewer, more and same' then 'less than, greater than and equal to' Watch how we build the numbers using cubes to help us compare them, then use the correct symbol. We are superstars!


Welcome to Year 1's gallery! 


Throughout the year we will add photographs, pictures and videos of all the amazing learning we do. 



We had a nurse visit us to tell us about the Covid-19 Pandemic!

We had an exciting visit from Mr Wheatley to find out how he has changed education!

We had a great hook day, dressing up as explorers to find artefacts!

We made moving Christmas cards for Jubilee Court

We had a poppy bunting sewing day where our grownups came to help for Remembrance Day!

We made microhabitats as part of our enquiry lessons - what makes us proud of where we live!


We made sculptures of the Pinxton Mining Wheel using different materials!

We made a Mexican salad inspired by Frida Kahlo and then shared it with reception!

We lay underneath the tables and drew self-portraits just like Frida Kahlo! We then painted these using bright colours like she did!

We have worked so hard to create a Jackson Pollock inspired painting using his 'Drip Drip' technique!

We have had so much fun learning all about making different marks on our Summer hook day!

Year 1 have had a great time designing their own Apple logo using tone, shapes and lines!

Spring reading breakfast

Creating a moving Christmas slider card to deliver to the residents of our local care home

Creating a collage of Nottingham Castle

Reading breakfast

Our Hook Day- We started our enquiry by walking around Pinxton identifying different features.

Our trip to Nottingham. We visited Nottingham Castle, went on a train ride and listened to stories about Robin Hood.
