- School swimming 17th January 2025
- School Swimming 17th January 2025
- School swimming 18th January 2025
Welcome to
Pinxton Village
Prepare for the future; Value the now; Achieve everyday
School Year 23-24 school lunch prices will increase to a daily cost of £3.25 per day from Friday 1st September 2023. Please ensure for Junior school children that payments for school lunches are paid through Parent Pay at least one week in advance of the meal being taken. Please contact the school office if you require any support or guidance on accessing Parent Pay.
You can view our current menu at My School Lunch Derbyshire.
A lot of people don't apply for free school meals. That's why we are continuing with our campaign to encourage all families to register regardless of whether they believe they may be eligible.
Pupils are all offered the same food and sit in the same area to eat. They don't have to have them every day, but it will save you money and time in making a packed lunch.
You could save over £400 a year and benefit Pinxton Village Academies too as we receive pupil premium of £1,320 from the government for each child registered as eligible for free school meals. Pupil premium supports the learning and wellbeing of children and is used to buy resources, subsidise school trips, provide training for staff and fund support.
To apply, go to:
All of our school meals are provided by Derbyshire Catering Services and are cooked on site at Kirkstead then delivered to our sites.
Derbyshire Catering Services provide menus which exceed current Government School Food Standards and offer:
The menus are accredited with the Food for Life Catering Mark. They are annually scrutinised to ensure they continually meet the criteria regarding provenance and preparation of the food.